My three boys are noisy, boisterous, messy types. I love them and they love me, but man, they are a handful. They haven't seemed to notice the attention they draw when we go out in public. Granted, I try to keep our public appearances to a minimum.
But they do need to eat. I usually dread visits to the grocery store or Costco-type places. The noise seems to echo and there is always a large audience for their shenanigans. I have become very efficient at getting in and getting out. They have learned to never ask for something because I won't buy it for them. I am a woman on a mission, and that mission is to get out.
Despite my efforts, there are times when we are stationary for a moment. This gives people time to pause and make comments to me. Usually they are funny or sympathetic. Every once in a while I get a critical remark that I simply do not acknowledge. But the boys are oblivious. Or so I thought.
Recently we were in a store and I was doing my utmost to keep the gaggle in line while shopping. I had ::cringe:: paused in my deliberations as a man approached us. He smiled and said, "Boy, you've got your hands full!" I gave my usual ha-ha-aren't-you-clever laugh and turned back to my shopping. Then, my observant eight year old asked,
"Mom, why do people always say that?"
I guess they listen more than I thought they did. If only that would work for their chores...
Books read in 2017
7 years ago
Love it! I always try to avoid eye contact in stores. We get the same kinds of comments and critical stares too. Oh well!!:) Like you said, they've gotta eat!
seriously! i get that comment several times from several strangers every time we're out and about... it's ridiculous! and all i can do is say "yeah... heh heh heh"...
i wonder if they realize how silly they sound... kinda reminds me of all the stupid comments you get when you're preggo...
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